Bach Flower - 1

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Bach Flower - 1
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Positive outcome - self-assurance, confidence and perseverance

Negative state - lack of confidence, low self-esteem

Remedy Negative aspects of personality Behavioural symptoms Characteristic expressions Positive Outcome

Indecisive, uncertain, hesitant, procrastinates, changeable, erratic. Unstable, restless. Inability to decide between two options.Bares difficulties alone. Lacks concentration. Scattered energy. Not able to cope with pressure or extremes of mood (joy, sadness, laughing, crying). Lack of balance and poise. Quite. Erratic conversations. Postural imbalances. Poor balance. Travel sickness. Changeable symptoms, unsteady gait, ambidextrous. For loss of limb or organ. General nausea, vertigo, dizziness, concussion. Chemical/hormonal imbalances. Manic depression. Use after shock therapy. '"I don't know..."
"I can't decide between the two..."
"It makes me dizzy thinking about it."
Poised, balanced, quick to take action. Confident, self-assured. Calmness and determination. Clear-headed. Self-reliant in decision making, knowing the choice will be the right one.
Wild Oat

Uncertainty and indecision as to which path or career to follow as there are too many options. Spread self in too many directions, feel dissatisfied and frustrated because of unchannelled talent. Start something and not finish it. Fear of commitment. Can put things together for others but not for self. Despondent, bored, drifter. Often very clever with good learning ability. Restless, random movements, illnesses with constantly shifting pains. 'A jack of all trades and master of none'.
Good managers and coordinators, often working in 'alternative lifestyle' positions.
Decisive of direction in life, definite ideas and ambitions and prevent anything interfering with that decision. confident, happy, useful.

Doubt, pessimism, easily discouraged. Negative attitude. Uncertainty and lack of faith causes depression. Sceptical. Depression caused by temporary setback in progress. Almost enjoy being melancholy. Afraid of rejection. Uncertainty in giving to others in relationships. Glum face - looks gloomy and sad. Large stature. Folded arms or clasped hands. Shoulders raised and rounded. ""I've let the side down"
"I give up"
For children who greet with open arms and are rejected.
Self-realisation. Gives confidence and conviction, perseverance and optimism. Remedy gives 'heart', the realisation that as long as you do your best, there is no failure. No obstacle is too great to be overcome.

Lacks confidence, so repeatedly seeks advice of others. Doubts own ability and easily led by others. Misguided, gullible, foolish, indecisive. Vacillating, distrusts self to be intuitive and original, imitates others. Need for self-reinforcement, lacks sense of identity. Unstable changeable, uncertain, unreliable. Changeable physical symptoms. Non-specific illnesses. Insomnia. Constantly moving around. Raises voice at end of sentence. "What do you think?"
Uses cliches. Talkative, asks a lot of questions, drains others.
Trust in self to act regardless of the advice of others. Ability to choose action, to be decisive and intuitive. Confidence, quite assurance in self.

Feels inferior. Anticipation and fear of failure, so does not try. Admires others. Feels doubt and despondent about self. Can disguise by appearing overconfident. Evade responsibilities by indulging in feelings of inadequacy. Hesitant, cowardice. Dislikes being alone - likes company of a stronger person. No clear ego image, can't handle change easily. Thumb sucking. Feet turned in. Children holding tightly to mother's hand. Sits with hunched shoulders and arms folded. Needs physical support. Agoraphobia. Impotence. "What's the point of trying?"
"I know I won't be able to do it, so why try."
"I can't..."
The class bully type (a cover up).
Steadfastness. Willing to try and not be discouraged by the results.Determined, confident, persevering. Ability to take risks, have new adventures, feel enthusiasm about life. Know that if they fail, it wasn't because they didn't try.

Over anxious to please. Weak-willed. Easily exploited. Docile, timid, quite, conventional, submissive. Lacks individuality, follows others advice. Easily dominated. Good natured. Taken for granted. Serves willingly. Look for strong personalities in others, rather then in themselves. Easily tired. Lacks vitality. Often pale and languid. Dark rings under eyes. Shoulder and back problems. May manifest illnesses to avoid having to say "no". A 'yes man', always in agreement.
Looks like a victim, head bowed, eyes cast down.
Personal strength. Still quite and gentle, but maintains individuality, knowing when to give and when to say no. Confident, quite determination. Not hindered or exploited by others. Serves others quietly and wisely.

Guilt, self-reproach. Blames self, feels unworthy. Condemns, critical and constantly apologising. Over-conscientious - set high standards for themselves. Undermined by negative self concept. Feel undeserving of love. Despondent. Unsure of taking responsibility. Take blame for mistakes of others. Apologise for own existence. Need tremendous verbal reassurance. Headaches
Eyes downcast
Hand covering mouth
"I'm sorry!"
"No, it's my fault!"
"I'm stupid, aren't I"
"If only I'd..."
"I feel worthless"
"I could have done better"
Realisation of self-worth. Perseverance, self-assurance. Ability to take responsibility and help others if called upon to do so. Genuine humility. Do not dwell on past mistakes.

Temporary feelings of inadequacy, of being overwhelmed by responsibility. Despondency from constant attempts to reach perfection. Capable, efficient and intuitive, become indispensable in work, but tire temporarily from being overburdened. Occasional feelings of not being able to cope or continue. Dedicated and generally happy to take responsibility. Strong and fast. Broad back and upright posture. Solemn, serious, looks confident. May suffer chronic stress and extreme exhaustion. Folic acid and anaemia. For those in positions of importance who have others dependent on their decisions. eg. heads of schools, parliamentarians, health practitioners. Confident, self-assured, capable. Able to take on great responsibility, knowing help will always be there when needed. Direct their greatest capabilities towards helping others.

Incessant effort, plodding on, struggling and persevering against all odds. Not giving in, but despondency and despair through lack of progress. Reliable, dependable and dutiful. Overwork - others lay their burdens and responsibilities on them. Discontented if anything interferes with their duty. Brave without loss of hope. Shattered when their strength suddenly goes. Uncomplaining. Strong. Rigid in body. Head held high, chest raised. Tight lips. Heart problems, nervous breakdowns, collapse. "I must be strong"
"I won't give in"
"I must keep going at all costs"
Courage, able to fight against the odds without loosing hope or despairing. Persevering, reliable and strong. Stable.

Paintings are copyrighted to artist Margaret Foster.

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