Bach Flower Remedies Alternative Categories
Introduction Dr. Edward Bach, though a qualified and practicing doctor, pathologist and bacteriologist, came to the conclusion that "the personality of the individual was of more importance then the body in the treatment of disease". Over six years, towards the end of his life, he scoured the countryside and private gardens in search of healing agents which would remove negative emotions and attitudes , thereby enabling the body to restore itself to health, happiness and well-being. He discovered 38 herbal remedies
which cover every negative state
of the mind known to man. In "The Twelve Healers and
Other Remedies", Dr. Bach divided the negative
states of mind into seven groups under the following headings to help
diagnosis and remedy selection:
While many of the classifications are obvious, it appears that Dr. Bach, with his great sensitivity and deep understanding of the remedies, based some of his category choices on the underlying reason as to why people exhibit such a negative state. However, as such reasons may not always be immediately apparent, Dr. Bach's divisions have been rearranged into five alternative categories. These categories are mainly to ease choosing or prescribing a remedy from the most obvious negative moods of the personality but also they are grouped according to the similar positive aspects that each type needs to develop. Following are the five alternative category pages as detailed by Vicki Piper in Nature & Health (Vol 5, No. 1, 1983), with minor changes and additions.
Bach Flower Remedy Chart - Category 1
Bach Flower Remedy Chart - Category 2
Bach Flower Remedy Chart - Category 3
Bach Flower Remedy Chart - Category 4
Bach Flower Remedy Chart - Category 5
The suggested physical symptoms in the charts need not always be present. According to Dr. Bach's philosophy, physical illness are merely a reflection of an unhealthy mental state . If a negative mood is a recent development, it need not yet have become obvious in the physical body. Likewise, the characteristic expressions are not essential but are in the chart as a guide for ease of recognition of a particular type of personality. With any division into categories, there may be certain negative emotions which could fit into a number of groups. It is important to realise that each remedy does stand on its own but can have aspects of many others. When choosing a remedy from the chart, firstly locate the most outstanding disturbing moods - not every negative aspect need be relevant, just look for the general tendency and to the positive outcome, that is, how you would like to feel. Once one (or two) pivotal remedies are found, try to give a direction to the cure by supporting these with two or three others. These may come from any of the groups - the divisions for merely for ease of choosing or prescribing.
Comments Crab Apple, known as 'The Cleanser', is excellent in helping to free the mind of a congestive emotional state, or to cleanse oneself of an old self-image. Walnut, known as 'The Link Breaker', has great value in breaking old habits, old ways of thought and behaviour. Use when needing to leave old limitations andmake a new start in life. Hornbeam can be used if you experience temporary fatigue after an initial burst of enthusiasm in undertaking such a change in attitude. Gentian may be necessary should there be any doubt, discouragement or lack of faith - where an initial improvement is followed by a temporary setback. Holly & Wild Oat - used as catalysts if there is any difficulity in cloosing a remedy - either there are too many or none at all seem appropriate. Use Holly for those who are 'active ' types and Wild Oat for those who are 'passive' types. Star of Bethlehem may be necessary to neutralise any history of shock that may be hindering progres, even if this shock occurred many years previously and may be forgotten.
Combinations You can buy remedies already made up for specific
uses. The most common ones are: